Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chain of Lakes Triathlon and Starting a Blog

My first post and my first race of the season come simultaneously this year. This past weekend I completed my first race of the season which was the chain of lakes sprint triathlon in Alexandria Minnesota. This year the weather was absolutely fantastic.  It was 65 by race start and stayed at 75 the rest of the day, can't complain about that weather in early may!
So I got to transition at 7 am to get my prime space on the racks. Waited around for a couple hours until my parents got there and waited for my swim wave to start. It was a pool swim of 600 yards, so I swam with 3 other people in my lane. Not fun. I exited the water in just over 9:30 and cut about a minute off of my swim last year. I'm not a fan of the pool swim.
My T1 was 49 seconds,  and I have finally gotten better at the flying mount. So after my feet were situated, I got to business. Stupid people that don't know how to pass and keep going, so I had someone pass me and sit right in front of me, so obviously I passed him until he passed me yet again. I kept a solid pace and turned in a 35 minute bike split.
T2 was 29 seconds and took off for 2.8 miles. Immediately I passed the guy that had bugged me on the bike. Started with a fast pace until I settled in a little. At the 1 mile mark I got a major cramp. And I mean major. This hurt alot, so I had to run for the next mile with my hand dug into my side. After that sort of relieved itself,  I could speed up again. I was trying to keep pace and finish in front of my friend who I passed on the bike, I had to finish in front of him! My stride opened up and I finished well. He almost caught me, i was only 20 seconds ahead. Another half mile I would have been toast.
So I vastly improved from last years time, about 6 minutes total. With improvements in transition times and my swim and hike splits, overall I was happy with the performance.  I finished 1st in age group and 6th overall. 
Next race is an Olympic distance at Lifetime Trinona in Winona, Minnesota. Looking to place in my age group and speed the run up a bit. So I got a little work to do!
As for the blog, I decided to start writing down my races and my travels, as I want to share my experiences with people. First of many to come and I hope I have as much to say every time!